Monday, May 2, 2022

Words of Comfort: from Reddit

 I spend a fair amount of time on Reddit.  While there's plenty there that can be depressing or discouraging, there's also a lot that can be helpful, educational, and/or inspiring, even for those of us who are trying to navigate our way through grief and loss.  The original poster on this one particular thread, which unfortunately was recently deleted, was lamenting about how losing a close relative was so difficult, because each day that passed meant that the time when she last saw her now-deceased loved one was getting farther and farther away. User ditka529 commiserated with her:

"This resonates with me. One part of me is proud of myself for making it through nine months, and the other part is sad that the gap between the last time I saw my dad just gets bigger.  I’m so sorry that you’re hurting."

And then user Kaykay987643 came up with this beautiful response:

"I don't know if this will help (and i guess it kind of depends on your belief system), but a lady in my grief group looks at it a different way. That every day that passes is one day closer to being with them again. I find this quite comforting."

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