Showing posts with label mystic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mystic. Show all posts

Monday, August 29, 2022

Words of Comfort: Lorna Byrne

Mystic and author Lorna Byrne describes a profound near-death experience (NDE) that she had in her book "A Message of Hope from the Angels."  According to her, our deceased loved ones continue to be a part of our lives just as much as they ever were, maybe even more:

"I know one of the reasons people fear death is that they are concerned about those they will leave behind.  At the moment of death, you will realize that you can do much more for those you love in Heaven than you can ever do for them on this earth.  I know this is hard to understand.  When a soul has gone to Heaven, it is in a position to intercede with God in a much more powerful way, on behalf of family and loved ones, than it could when it was here on earth."

Personal Musings: Rediscovering Who Our Loved Ones Were

Some time after my mom transitioned from this world, my dad and I found my mom's old iPhone 3S, which she purchased back in 2009.  Unfor...