Saturday, March 23, 2024

Words of Comfort: from the Spirituality Subreddit

I was browsing on the Spirituality subreddit on Reddit some months back.  The poster, who was grieving the loss of her mother from last year, asked about what happens to our souls when we die.  I liked the words from this one commenter in particular:

"I like to think of life here on Earth as an amusement park ride for souls. Your mom's soul was in the car (body) in front of you and the ride ended for her and she's waiting at the exit for you. When the ride ends for you you'll talk and laugh about it and get a churro and figure out what ride to go on next."

Words of Comfort: from the Spirituality Subreddit

I was browsing on the Spirituality subreddit on Reddit some months back.  The poster, who was grieving the loss of her mother from last year...