Showing posts with label jeff mara. Show all posts
Showing posts with label jeff mara. Show all posts

Sunday, May 7, 2023

El's NDE Experience and Not Wanting to Return to Earth

Some weeks ago -- I believe it was in late March -- I had a very interesting conversation with my friend Bob.  Bob is interested in all things theological and spiritual.  At one point in the conversation, Bob told me he hoped that reincarnation didn't exist, because he never wanted to return to Earth.  And in my great surprise, I told him that I had had the exact same thought over the years, and I said in a half-joking manner that if we ever came face to face with God that we "should ask to be designated for assignment somewhere else," rather than come back to Earth.

Then I watched an episode of Jeff Mara's podcast.  In this episode, Jeff interviews El Serumaga.  El experienced a profound near-death experience while in a coma.  Among her many fascinating observations from her NDE:

- Everything alive is conscious, including plants.

- That Earth is a sort of "boot camp" for the soul.

- Thoughts on extraterrestrial life and their interactions with humanity.

- El gaining psychic abilities through her experience.

- That humanity is living in a dystopian existence right now.

Then I read some of the YouTube comments from others who also listened to the interview, which bore an uncanny resemblance to the conversation Bob and I had several weeks earlier.  From "Jennifer":

"My 15 year old nephew told me today that he knew when he was 13 that this earth was a terrible place. He says he's not going to have children (his 19 year old sister says same). And, he says he's not going to come back here (reincarnation). I think a lot of us are waking up to the fact that this is a prison planet."

On a somewhat more humorous note, there was this comment from "Amy":

"In my humble opinion, the Earth is basically like that Summer Camp we all went to with the runny oatmeal, the cold dorm rooms and scratchy blankets complete with the instructor that had not yet realized he was no longer in the Marines. I wonder if on the Other Side they advertise Earth with glossy photo images like they use in pharma commercials with scenes with strolling on the beach with a loving partner at sunrise and a happy puppy and a shiny SUV in the background for good measure."

All of this brings up a fascinating yet disturbing possibility: if our souls existed before our births, is it possible that a lot of us were duped or misled into coming to Earth in the first place? If coming to Earth was necessary for our spiritual growth, is it possible that there were spiritual entities that convinced us to come here without fully explaining the disappointments and trials and grief we would encounter, knowing that we would likely decline the offer to come here if we knew?  Until now I never had even conceptualized of such a possibility.  On the surface, I know this sounds like a ludicrous and far-out concept, but sometimes I just have to wonder.

As a counterpoint, some people in the comments mentioned that life on Earth in itself is not miserable, but that many of the people who hold huge amounts of wealth and/or power make it miserable for everyone else.

Anyway, if you're a believer in NDEs, I strongly encourage you to watch Jeff's interview with El in its entirety.  I do think that listening to stories such as El's can give us reassurance about the life that is to come for us and our deceased loved ones. Jeff is a wonderful interviewer with his calm and inquisitive demeanor, asking relevant questions while allowing his guests to talk without interruption.  And El tells her story with such thoughtfulness and genuineness and sweetness -- it's just an amazing interview all the way around.

Personal Musings: Rediscovering Who Our Loved Ones Were

Some time after my mom transitioned from this world, my dad and I found my mom's old iPhone 3S, which she purchased back in 2009.  Unfor...