Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Practices That Have Helped: Taking Up Hobbies

Life coach Michelle Beltran wrote an article on her website from March 2020, just as the COVID pandemic was beginning to take off: "Taking on Hobbies to Cope with Grief".  From her article:

"Losing someone can be very traumatic for anyone. Everyone deals with grief in different ways. While there is no correct way to grieve, there are still methods of healthy healing. When trying to cope with grief, one may feel alone in their sorrow or hopeless in their recovery. One should remember that they are not alone, as thousands of people experience this emotion almost daily. In cases where grief counseling doesn’t suffice, individuals can take on hobbies to help them cope with grief."

I have taken Michelle's advice to heart in recent weeks.  Taking on new hobbies and/or reviving old hobbies that we haven't made time for can be helpful in rediscovering some of the small joys of living.  Sometimes these hobbies can be ours and ours alone, or they could also be interests that our deceased loved ones enjoyed and pursued.  Either way, pursuing hobbies can give us that tiny spark to make us realize that there is still much to enjoy in life, in spite of our losses.

Since we are also living in times of increasing financial strain, which can oftentimes add to the stresses we are already feeling, I found another useful article at freshhobby.com in relation to this: 30 Hobbies You Can Start for Under $30.

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