Sunday, September 17, 2023

Articles Worth Reading: Messages in Lorraine Moran's Dreams

Visitations in dreams appear to be one of the most common ways people receive messages from their deceased loved ones. Guideposts has an article about Lorraine Moran, who lost her grandfather to suicide when she was 10 years old.  Several decades later, she lost her 34 year-old nephew Joey, after years of abusing alcohol and other drugs.  She describes in poignant detail about visiting Joey in the hospital during his final days, when he was hooked up to all kinds of medical equipment and could barely communicate.

But what is most remarkable about Lorraine's experiences are the dreams she had in the aftermath of their deaths.  After his suicide, Lorraine describes how her grandfather visited her in three separate dreams, merely saying the word "yes" to her in each one, and being comforted by him. And then there's the account of a dream she had after Joey's passing:

"One night just a few days after Joey passed, I fell into a deep sleep. I dreamt I was hanging up my clothes on my clothing line. My grief continued to weigh down on me as I worked. Then I felt a presence with me. I turned to see Joey. He looked so different. His face was filled out and had its color back. He smiled and his blues eyes were bright and full of life. As he looked at me, he started to laugh his familiar, hearty laugh.  

I was suddenly hit with anger. How could he be laughing right now? Didn’t he see how much pain I was in? But Joey just smiled at me and put a hand on my shoulder. 'Aunt Lorraine, you don’t get it,' he said. A calm slowly settled over my body." 

And what is this "it" that those of us still here on Earth don't get?  I have to wonder....

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