Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Personal Musings: Rediscovering Who Our Loved Ones Were - Part 2

I realize that my last post needed to be a little longer, but instead of going back, adding in, and re-editing, I decided to make another short post instead....

While getting information off my mom's old iPhone was exciting enough, there was something else I wasn't anticipating.  A couple months ago I was going through old family photographs at my dad's place when I stumbled across a picture of my mom and her mom when they were on vacation in 1993 (my grandmother passed in 2004):

I had never seen this picture before.  Or, on the off chance I did, it had been many years since I had seen it last.  And it wasn't the only photo I hadn't seen -- what I found was a whole collection of photos from that trip.  I think I knew in the back of my mind that there had been more pictures from their vacation -- I just never intently pursued to find them or asked my mom about them.  For whatever reason, I don't know.

So you think you know everything about your loved ones who've passed on?  And you're pretty confident you've seen every photograph, every bit of writing, every artifact or cherished belonging of theirs that's in existence?  I'm less confident now than I've ever been, and I realize what a good thing that is!

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