Saturday, June 11, 2022

Personal Musings: Getting Rid of Our Loved Ones' Stuff

A couple days ago, my dad made a comment to me that really stuck: as we've been getting rid of my mom's stuff, he said it felt like he "was burying her all over again".  Since this remark was made, both his mood and my own have improved, I'm happy to say.

Getting rid of our deceased loved ones' belongings can be an emotional experience, no doubt about it.  What makes it a lot easier is when you don't have to do it alone, especially when the person or people you're doing it with also knew your loved one.  Along with our house cleaner, who has been doing a wonderful job helping us out, the three of us have thrown out a number of my mom's things -- things that were old, worn out, or not likely to be wanted by someone else.  Yet there have been a lot of other things that we've been able to pass on to other people.  And a lot of those people have been thrilled by what they received.  It makes me feel good knowing that a number of my mom's things will go on to enrich, bring joy, or improve the lives of other people.  To me, it's another way to honor and carry on her legacy.

I would like to think my mom would approve.

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